To sell kidney, donate kidney, sale kidney, sell organ, donate bone marrow

To Donate Kidney or Sell Kidney please mail us at:
You can call us at: 011-41194404
अंगदान करने के लिए कृपया हमें यहां मेल करें:
अथवा कॉल : 011-41194404
For Details: &
Note: if there is any delay in reply from our side then please check message in "spam" folder of your email, you will see our reply there, then click on our message and then click on "Report not spam".
नोट: यदि हमारी ओर से उत्तर में कोई देरी हो तो कृपया अपने ईमेल के "स्पैम" फ़ोल्डर में संदेश की जांच करें, आपको वहां हमारा उत्तर दिखाई देगा, फिर हमारे संदेश पर क्लिक करें और फिर "रिपोर्ट नॉट स्पैम" पर क्लिक करें।
We do immediate payment of some advance amount to donor (who Donate Kidney or Sell Kidney) in case of urgent need because few donors want urgent payment due to their severe problem, in such case payment of advance is done within 4 hours of applying, to avail the urgent facility please mail us with subject "urgent".
हम तत्काल आवश्यकता के मामले में donor को कुछ अग्रिम राशि का तत्काल भुगतान करते हैं क्योंकि कुछ दाताओं को उनकी गंभीर समस्या के कारण तत्काल पैसे की जरूरत होती है, ऐसे मामले में 4 घंटे के भीतर पैसा भेजा जाता है। तत्काल भुगतान सुविधा का लाभ उठाने के लिए "Urgent" subject के साथ हमें मेल करें।
All work is done here under Transplantation of Human Organ Act 1994, Section 9 Sub-section 3(b) and later amendments.
Accordingly donate kidney word will be used instead of sell kidney word. Bone marrow donation and liver donation is also available.
So it is kind request to follow the procedure, we will pay the correct compensation amount.
Our Introduction
We will take the organ for good amount of compensation if we have patient of your blood group available in our hospital.
We will give you 1st installment of advance amount (20%) for donation within 24 hrs from when you contact us and give your all information in case of normal mode and within 4 hrs in case of urgent mode .
Our Introduction
We will take the organ for good amount of compensation if we have patient of your blood group available in our hospital.
We will give you 1st installment of advance amount (20%) for donation within 24 hrs from when you contact us and give your all information in case of normal mode and within 4 hrs in case of urgent mode . And another installment of advance amount(30%) after 2-4 days then rest amount after the donation.
Maximum agents and doctors are not genuine in market, you could identify them very easily by asking these points:
1. Ask them for there ID proof such as Voter ID card or Aadhar Card or Pan Card or Passport etc.
2. Ask them to mail you from there hospital's official email ID. (gmail, yahoo, rediffmail, hotmail etc are not official)
3. Ask fo
Maximum agents and doctors are not genuine in market, you could identify them very easily by asking these points:
1. Ask them for there ID proof such as Voter ID card or Aadhar Card or Pan Card or Passport etc.
2. Ask them to mail you from there hospital's official email ID. (gmail, yahoo, rediffmail, hotmail etc are not official)
3. Ask for there hospital's website address and go to the website.
4. Check and match the doctor's name in the hospital's website.
5. If they ask any advance amount ask them for proper hospital bill with TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). And check the TIN number online, you will get all the information about the hospital.
6. Ask there bank statement because they could pay you only if they have money in there account.
7. You could find out the hospital in google map.
8. You must call on landline number of hospital.
To donate please mail us at:
You can call us at : 011-41194404
अंगदान करने के लिए कृपया हमें यहां मेल करें:
अथवा कॉल : 011-41194404
Sector A9, Narela, New Delhi, Delhi, India
New Life Hospital 011-41194404 -
If you are facing problem to contact us from here then directly mail us to " " we will help you to donate/sell immediately.
यदि आपको यहां से हमसे संपर्क करने में समस्या का सामना करना पड़ रहा है तो हमें सीधे " " पर मेल करें, हम आपको तुरंत donate/ बेचने में मदद करेंगे.
Note: if there is any delay in reply from our side then please check message in "spam" folder of your email, you will see our reply there, then click on our message and then click on "Report not spam".
नोट: यदि हमारी ओर से उत्तर में कोई देरी हो तो कृपया अपने ईमेल के "स्पैम" फ़ोल्डर में संदेश की जांच करें, आपको वहां हमारा उत्तर दिखाई देगा, फिर हमारे संदेश पर क्लिक करें और फिर "रिपोर्ट नॉट स्पैम" पर क्लिक करें।
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